2.14.3 Send and Receive

SerialLinkSend and SerialLinkRecv two handshake structures are structure between NC and PLC for serial communication, and INCON-M84/M86/M86R communicates with other device through RS485.

  • PLC transmission and reception of handshake data structure is as follows:

Length for the length, buffer for the temporary storage area, finish for the communication completed flag.

struct SerialLinkHandShake {

 int length;

 unsigned char buffer[SERIALLINK_BUFFER_LENGTH];

 int finish;


  • In the case of Transmit, PLC filled char into buffer[ ] then writes data length into length, after length wrote NC start sends out char string from RS485. NC sets finish as 1 when sent whole string, when PLC sensed finish as 1 writes finish as 0. Examples are as follows:

The following example M68 planning for the transmission of information M code.

void plcRun(Status &sts, PlcBlock &plc)



 if( plc.mCode.flag ) {

   switch( plc.mCode.data ) {

     case 68:

       // length is none zero and finish is 1 were true (send finish)

       if( plc.serialLinkSend->length && plc.serialLinkSend->finish ) {

         plc.serialLinkSend->length = 0;

         plc.mCode.finish = 1;

       } else if( plc.serialLinkSend->length == 0 ) { // length is zero send data

         plc.serialLinkSend->buffer[0] = 'T';

         plc.serialLinkSend->buffer[1] = 'e';

         plc.serialLinkSend->buffer[2] = 's';

         plc.serialLinkSend->buffer[3] = 't';

         plc.serialLinkSend->buffer[4] = '\r';

         plc.serialLinkSend->buffer[5] = '\n';

         plc.serialLinkSend->length = 6;







  • In terms of reception, when out side device sent char to controller, NC received char and wrote to buffer[ ], and length wrote in char count of buffer[ ], PLC read in and set finish to 1, PLC also does not need wrote finish to 1 instance, and NC will keep update length, and PLC write finish to 1 if needs. Caution the length of buffer[ ] was 256. Examples are as follows:

static char *strCopy( char *Dest, char *Source, int MaxLen )


 int i;

 for( i=0; i<MaxLen; i++ ) {

   Dest[i] = Source[i];

   if( !Dest[i] )

     return Dest;


 Dest[i+1] = 0;

 return Dest;


static char serialLinkMsg[SERIALLINK_BUFFER_LENGTH+1];

void plcRun(Status &sts, PlcBlock &plc)



 if( plc.serialLinkRecv ) {  // check if function available

   if( plc.serialLinkRecv->length ) {

     if( plc.serialLinkRecv->length == SERIALLINK_BUFFER_LENGTH ) { // receive length equal buffer length.

       strCopy( serialLinkMsg, plc.serialLinkRecv->buffer, SERIALLINK_BUFFER_LENGTH ); // call strCopy to serialLinkRecv.

       plc.errorMessage = serialLinkMsg;

       plc.serialLinkRecv->finish = 1;

     } else {

       int c = plc.serialLinkRecv->buffer[plc.serialLinkRecv->length-1];

       if( c == '\n' ) {       // if C is line feed, call strCopy than shows message.

         strCopy( serialLinkMsg, plc.serialLinkRecv->buffer, plc.serialLinkRecv->length );

         plc.errorMessage = serialLinkMsg;

         plc.serialLinkRecv->finish = 1;



   } else {

     plc.serialLinkRecv->finish = 0;



