4.3.5 G code supplement


In the INCON-M84 format X_Y_Z_A_, A represents the 4th axis, and you can also use B, C, U, V, W to represent the 4th axis in the "parameter→fourth axis" selection. In the INCON-M86/M86R format X_Y_Z_A_B_C_, A represent fourth axis, B represent fifth axis and C represent sixth axis.


G codes are not marked with a special symbol of the script are all single-effective command G code (one shot G-code), means that the G code is valid only in the specified line, all of these G code is Being classified as group 00, its mode is valid until the replacement of other G codes in the same group occurs.


If the program is stopped during emergency stop or when F10 is pressed, the tool compensation will be automatically canceled (ie, the specified G code will be restored automatically when the group is turned on).

For example:

Group 07


The specified G code at power on is G40 (tool radius compensation canceled).

Group 11


The specified G code at power on is G50 (mirror and scale in or out).

Group 16


The specified G code at power on is G69 (coordinate rotation cancel).

Group 17


The specified G code at power on is G15 (remove the polar coordinate to the rectangular coordinate program).

If the normal execution of the program ends and G codes are not given to each of the above groups in the program, the above groups will also automatically restore their boot-assigned G codes.


The G code of any of three different status groups can exist in the same line in the CNC program at the same time, for example, G18, G91 and G16 (these are all G codes with changing states).


The axially moving G code can only exist in the same stroke type, but it can exist on the same line as the two state change G codes, but the state change G code must precede the axially moving G code.

For example: G54 G90 G01 X600. Y400

(G54, G90 are status change G codes; G01 is axial movement G code)


G codes G04, G52 and G92 of one shot commands can only appear in one line separately. Any other G code can not be displayed in the same line.


G09 must be valid with the axial movement G code in one line program.

For example: G09 G01 X500. Y450.