4.1 Definition of Programs and Blocks

A typical CNC program of INCON-M84/M86/M86R is combined by G, M, S, T code and number. Each line of program called a block, the block is assemble by each item, the item called address (Character) and number (Arabic numbers).


: Block number


: Preparatory functions


: Address/number


: Address/number


: Address/number


: Feed rate


: Auxiliary functions


: Spindle speed


: Tool number

Number of address on table can using integer or real number. Generally CNC program number definition is real number, when user keys in integer and CNC will turn to real number by least unit of system (0.001 mm, 0.0001 inch).for example: user key in "X12000", will turn to 12000 x 0.001 mm =12 mm. so in the program 12 mm can key as "X12." or "X12000". In the program for 12 mm, user can key in 12. or 12000 for saving memory purpose 12. is recommend. But "X12" will be 0.012 mm, and 1000 times different, and the different makes damage of machine, so must very carefully when key in.


Within the CNC controller also has "Parameter→Attribute" Decimal Point don't exist option is provided for users not accustomed to the above wording, namely, to convert "X1234" or "X1234.", "X1234.000" is the input value, please refer to Attribute for details.