4.15.9 Example of Pocket Machining: G70.00/70.01

  • SAPG70xx.CNC

;Example of pocket processing

;Before the tool compensation table set radius compensation value in group 1 = 6.0

;And processing cycle parameters set "Retract chip length = 1.0"

G92 X0 Y0 Z5.0

D1;Select Tool Table No.1



G70.00 G2 X0 Y0 Z-5. U112. V88. W-13. C1. J0.5 K1. Q4. L10. I100 F1000 E650

G0 X130.

G70.01 G3 X0Y0Z-5. R56. W-13. C1. J0.5 K1. Q4. L10. I100 F1000 E650

G90 G0 X0 Y0 Z5.



G70.00/70.01 sample graphics