4.14.4 G128: Tool Retraction

Format: G128 Q_ R_

The Q_ value can specify the extraction method, and the R_ value specifies the distance to be pumped. The description is as follows:



Do not extract.



Pull back in the direction of the original tool to the limit of the single axis. (This item is valid only when the software limit of X, Y, and Z axes is set.)



Pull back in the direction of the original tool to the limit of all axes. (This item is valid only when the software limit of X, Y, and Z axes is set.)



Pull back in the direction of the original tool to the distance specified by R_. R_ is usually positive. (This item is valid only when the software limit of X, Y, and Z axes is set.)



Pull positive in the Z direction to the limit.



Pull in the positive Z direction to the distance specified by R_.