3.4.4 Home: Home Return

The operation steps of resetting each axis are similar to the operation steps of "Jog". The home position of each axis returning to zero has been set by the machine manufacturer in advance. Therefore, pressing any ← and → key will automatically return to Home after selecting the axis. For safety, it is recommended to Home the Z axis first, and then the X or Y axis. If there is a dangerous situation during the Homing process, press the Emergency Stop button to stop; if the system is absolute, no need to operate the Home.

Note 1:

The order of Home of each axis can be set in "Machine Parameter→Motion and Speed→Home Sequence". For details, refer to INCON-M84/M86/M86R Integration Manual.

Note 2:

When using PLC's vto to switch to hand wheel mode, the homing program will not be interrupted and cannot be switched to hand wheel mode until the execution is completed.