Save Work Coordinate System Offset Values to Macro Variable Values


G11.54 Qq: Extract G54 Coordinate Offset to Macro Variable

G11.55 Qq: Extract G55 Coordinate Offset to Macro Variable

G11.56 Qq: Extract G56 Coordinate Offset to Macro Variable

G11.57 Qq: Extract G57 Coordinate Offset to Macro Variable

G11.58 Qq: Extract G58 Coordinate Offset to Macro Variable

G11.59 Qq: Extract G59 Coordinate Offset to Macro Variable

For example: Take out the G54 G11.54 Q20 coordinate offset value to the six consecutive variables of the Macro variable group 20, as follows:

  • Extract the X-axis offset of the work coordinate system to the value of Group 20 of the Macro variable.
  • Extract the Y-axis offset of the work coordinate system to the value of Group 21 of the Macro variable.
  • Extract the Z-axis offset of the work coordinate system to the value of Group 22 of the Macro variable.
  • Take the fourth axis offset value of the work coordinate system to the value of Group 23 of the Macro variable.
  • Take the fifth axis offset value of the work coordinate system to the value of Group 24 of the Macro variable.
  • Take the sixth axis offset value of the work coordinate system to the value of Group 25 of the Macro variable.