4.2.2 Loop Fail

When loop fail occurs, CNC controller will alarm message and close servo enable. So, you will see similar servo enable can't be sent, in reality you can see servo signal LED light flickering. What cause it, might be as following:

1. Servo driver is not within speed module

Because AC Servo driver have speed mode, position mode and Torque mode. AC servo driver must act within speed mode can it work in partnership with INCON-M8.


CNC controller did not receive position loop signal or position feedback turned into positive feedback

Please turn the servo motor by hand to see if the axial CTR in the detection page will not change. If there is no change in the CTR, the CNC controller does not receive the position feedback signal, please check the feedback line at this time.

If there is a change in CTR, it means that the axial position feedback has become positive feedback. Please reverse the axial feedback signals A and /A to make the axial position feedback become negative feedback.

3. The CNC controller or servo driver parameter settings are incorrect

Incorrect CNC controller or driver parameters allow the CNC controller and servo driver to operate under different conditions. For example, if the axial parameter of the CNC controller is set to 200 rpm/V but the servo is set to 100 rpm/V, the servo driver can never reach the speed required by the CNC controller, as a result, the axial error exceeds the maximum following error. In this case, the CNC parameters and servo parameters must be checked.