6.21 Savetime Cancycle M Code

The item Savetime Cancycle M Code has been added in "Motion and Speed [Advanced]" dialog box of the "Advanced" submenu on the machine parameter pop-up menu. The description is as follows:

If this item is checked, it indicates that in the continuous machining cycle command, the M code that handles the spindle start will be processed in a time-saving manner, that is, the spindle will be started at the end of the N hole machining and will be shifted to the N+1 hole. Only when the knife is detected does the M code end, instead of starting the spindle at the end of the N hole machining and shifting to the top of the N+1 hole after detecting the end of the M code.

Please note that if this item is checked, the PLC program needs to be rewritten as:

  if( plc.mCode.flag && !plc.mCode.finish ) {

   switch( plc.mCode.data ) {

     ....  // m code processing



The following PLC program cannot be used:

  if( plc.mCode.flag ) {

   switch( plc.mCode.data ) {

     ....  // m code processing



Time-saving machining cycle instructions include: G88, G87, G76, G86.


Please refer to INCON-M84/M86/M86R Integration Manual for the relevant mechanical parameters.