
Please enter the CNC controller's web address here to make a network connection. The CNC controller is a file server (FTP Server), the computer connected to it is the client (Client).

INCON-M84/M86/M86R Outer panel RJ-45 connector on the network interface to connect to the Internet. Most of the general line number of corporate network planning Class C network level, that is the first three figures for the network number, the last number is the host number. Therefore, the first three digits of the address of INCON-M84/M86/M86R must be the same as the other computers in the company. However, the last digit must be assigned a number by the network manager of the user company (usually one of 1 to 254) To avoid the same IP address with other personal computers, otherwise it will cause the network to collide, resulting in unable to connect to the Internet. When IP is set to, the DHCP function is enabled to automatically grab the IP location. For other network level settings, please contact your company's professional network administrator.