3.5 Parameter (F2→P)

The parameter pull down menu of INCON-M84/M86/M86R have different items due to different state and data setting.

INCON-M84/M86 items are as follow:

Note: ★ Available for M84/M86 only.

INCON-M86R items are as follow:

Note 1:

★ Available for M86R only.

Note 2:

If there are missing items in actual pull down menu, please refer to User ManagementManagement.

Parameters can refer to, confirm or set some program execution-related states or data, the pull-down menu as shown below.

"Parameter" Pull-Down Menu (INCON-M84/M86)

"Parameter" Pull-Down Menu (M86R)

In each dialog box, if the fields that can be filled in with numerical datas are displayed, the parameter datas that have been modified will be displayed in orange and unmodified in black to make the distinction.