3.5.7 Cancycle Parameters

From the "Parameter" menu, select "Cancycle Parameters", there will be a "Cancycle Parameters (Metric Mode)" dialog box.

"Cancycle Parameters" Dialog Box

  • Cut In Retract Length: This is set in Can cycle's, G73 and G83 two drilling instructions' retract the chip removal operation during machining and the distance of retraction chip removal (unit: mm/inch). In the G70/G71 pocket machining instruction, there is also a short-distance retraction action, and the retraction distance is also set according to the set value.
  • StepInWidth: In pocket processing, each layer of processing, a lap after processing and then expand outward when the feed width of the width; this tool diameter feed width of 75%, 100%, 125%, 150% Four items (as shown below), the actual amount of feed for the percentage x tool radius.

Feed Width of The Four Options