Definition of G02/G03

G02: Clockwise (CW) Arc cutting

G03: Counter clockwise (CCW) Arc cutting

The arc outline on the workpiece is cut by G02 or G03 command. Milling machine workpiece is three-dimensional, so in different planes of its arc cutting direction as shown below. The definition of the way: the line of sight toward the positive direction of the plane vertical axis to the negative direction, clockwise G02, counterclockwise G03. The path of arc interpolation varies with the selection plane, so G17/G18/G19 must be given before the single-block program.

Circular Directions and Plane Selection

1. Paths on the plane G02/G03 X_Y_, X_Z_, Y_Z_

G02/G03 Path on Different Planes

2. G02/G03 X_Y_Z_P_ Helical interpolation path in space

G02/G03 Path in Different Dimensions