Other Applications of G10/G11 Command

1. Tool table setting (I0)

(1) Setting tool table

Format: G10 (I0) P_L_R_W_Q_

P_: Tool number to be set

L_: Tool length set

R_: Tool radius compensation

W_: Tool radius wear compensation value

Q_: Tool length wear compensation value


G10 (I0) P3 L-11.1 R5.4 W0.012 Q0.01 ;Set the tool length compensation value of tool number 3 in the tool compensation table to -11.1, the tool radius compensation value to 5.4, the tool radius wear value to 0.012, and the tool length wear value to 0.01.

G11                                    ;Close data setting mode

(2) Get tool table data (the CNC controller must have Macro function to use)

Format: G11 I0 Pn Pm


The tool data of tool number m is stored to the starting number of Macro, the tool radius compensation value is stored.Macro number n, tool length compensation value Macro number n+1, tool wear value No. n+2, tool length wear value is No. n+3.


Tool number to acquire the tool data in the tool compensation table.


G11 I0 P50 P3 ;Save the tool length compensation value of the tool number 3 in the tool compensation table to the Macro 50 and store the tool radius compensation value to the Macro 51 number.Store tool radius wear compensation value to Macro 52 and store tool length wear compensation value to Macro 53

2. Set the pitch compensation value (I1)

First line format:                        

G10 I1 X_ Pp1 Pp2;         X_: Axial, for example, the X axis, XZ in the Z axis, and so on.

                     Pp1: length

                     Pp2: home        

Second line formation:                                        

Pp1 Pp2;                                   Pp1: Pitch compensation table number                

                     Pp2: Pitch compensation value


G11;                       Turn off data setting

3. Extra offset (I2)

(1) Set an extra offset


G10 I2 Xx Yy Zz Aa (M84)

G10 I2 Xx Yy Zz Aa Bb Cc (M86/M86R)

Xyzabc: additional offsets for each axis to be set

(2) Get extra offset (controller must have Macro function to use)

Format: G11 I2 Pn


Macro starting number to store additional offsets. If the X-axis extra offset will be stored in the nth number, the extra offset in the Y-axis will be stored in number n+1 and stored sequentially to Macro.