4.13.5 G10.01/G11.01: Sub Spindle Selection/ Main Spindle Selection

1. Select the second spindle (sub spindle)

Format: G10.01

If the second spindle (sub spindle) is set in the mechanical structure, the sub spindle is usually in the axial direction outside the parallel axis of the spindle. The G10.01 command is used to inform the controller that the following program starts to use the sub spindle. G10.01 must be used in conjunction with G10.03, because when the sub spindle is selected, the coordinate system's corresponding function will be used. That is, the coordinate axis of the original coordinate system is assigned to the coordinate system axis in the direction of the sub spindle. When using the sub-spindle for machining, the tool length compensation function is also required. At this time, the sub spindle should be able to use any set of compensation data on the "parameter → tool compensation table" for correction.

2. Select the first spindle (main spindle)

Format: G11.01

Generally, after the system is turned on, the system will use the first spindle (main spindle). However, if you want to switch back to using the first spindle after selecting the second spindle with the G10.01 command, you must use the G11.01 command from the sub spindle. Switch back to the spindle so that the controller can correctly access the tool table for correction. The G11.01 and G11.03 instructions should be used together to avoid unintended processing results.