4.13.6 G10.02/G11.02: Follow Axis/Follow Axis Cancellation

1. Start with following axis

Format: G10.02_

In a large span machine (such as a gantry machining center), if the drive motor is mounted on only one side of the screw, the non-linear error may be caused by the excessive span and the rigidity of the screw.

In order to solve this problem, in the mechanical design, a two-sided driving method will be adopted. At this time, the motors on both sides must be completely synchronized, that is, one side of the motor must follow the other side.

For example, if the machine parameter setting is that the A axis is following the X axis, the G10.02 A command can be issued to start the A axis following the X axis.

2. Follow the axis off

Format: G11.02_

For example: G11.02 A means to cancel the A axis following.