4.14.1 G168/G169: RTCP On/Off


G168: RTCP on

G169: RTCP off

Use G168 to start real-time tool rotation center control (RTCP) and use G169 to turn off real-time tool rotation center control.

After the user presses F10 or the emergency stop button, the system will automatically return to G169 (that is, the real-time tool rotation center control is turned off).

Program Example:

%                                   ; program begin

G169                                ; close RTCP



G91 G28 Z0        

G91 G28 X0 Y0                       ; arrive to position


G0 B0 C0

T3 M6                               ; change tool

G43 H3

G0 Z50.

G0 X0 Y0.

G168                                ; start RTCP

G179                                ; RTCP is not used at G00

M3 S10000


G0 X20.8 Y2.9 Z10.538  

G1 X24.5 Y5.1 Z-1.4 F250            ; Start feed processing

X24.2 Y7.1 Z1.4 B1.1 C-1.2 F1000

X22.2 Y8.3 Z2.7 B1.103 C-1.205

; ...

; ...

; ...

X5.451 Y-7.674 Z-31.01

G0 X11.254 Y4.934 Z1.12             ; Finished processing

G169                                ; close RTCP

G0 Z50.



M30                                 ; program complete


Note 1:

For details on the preparation of 5-axis machining programs, please refer to Programming and Usage.

Note 2:

G41/G42 is NOT supported in G168 mode.