4.12.1 G28: Return to Reference Position


G28 [G00/G01] X_Y_Z_A_ (M84)

G28 [G00] X_Y_Z_A_B_C_ (M86)

G28 [G01] Six-axis four-axis combination (M86)

G28 [G00/G01] X_Y_Z_A_B_C_ (M86R)

The coordinate position in the G28 instruction format refers to the midpoint coordinate position. This command allows the tool to move back to the first reference point (usually the mechanical origin) via the specified middle point by rapid positioning (G00) movement. By specifying the halfway point back to the first reference point, the safety of the tool movement path can be confirmed to avoid collision with the workpiece; the position value of this halfway point can be absolute coordinates or relative increments. If only the G28 command is given without specifying any axial direction, it will not operate, and will only operate when there is a specified axis in the command.

G28: Return to Reference Position