4.12 Reference Position Related Commands
The reference point can be used as a temporary stop position for changing the tool or workpiece during machining. The position of the reference point relative to the machine origin can be set from "F2 → Parameter → Reference Point Position". There are at most four reference points.
The system does not have the function of an absolute position. The system must perform homing at the time of starting, so that the function can be correctly returned to the correct reference point, so as not to cause a position error and damage the machine and the workpiece. At the same time, choose the homing is a must when machine power on parameter is recommended, to prevent machine crash. The boot must first be homed to check the collision avoidance machine. If the system has an absolute position function, there is no need to return to homing, but it is still recommended to pay attention to whether the mechanical position is actually the same as the machine after power-on.
Note: |
G00 or G01 speed movement can be specified in the G28/G29/G30 reference point return command. If G00 is selected, the system will move at G00 speed; if G01 mode is selected, the system will move at G01 speed; if it is not specified, the system will move at the speed of G00 or G01 executed by the program last. The format is as follows: |
G28 [G00/G01] X_Y_Z_ (A/B/C/U/V/W)_; (M84)
G28 [G00/G01] Six-axis four-axis combination (M86)
G28 [G00/G01] X_Y_Z_A_B_C_ (M86R)
G29 [G00/G01] X_Y_Z_ (A/B/C/U/V/W)_; (M84)
G29 [G00/G01] Six-axis four-axis combination (M86)
G29 [G00/G01] X_Y_Z_A_B_C_ (M86R)
G30 [G00/G01] X_Y_Z_ (A/B/C/U/V/W)_; (M84)
G30 [G00/G01] Six-axis four-axis combination (M86)
G30 [G00/G01] X_Y_Z_A_B_C_P_ (M86R)