G81/G82: Drilling Cycle/Drilling Cycle with Dwell


G81 X_Y_Z_R_K_F_    ;Drilling cycle

G82 X_Y_Z_R_P_K_F_  ;Drilling cycle with dwell

The G81/G82 command is for general drilling, and simple boring can sometimes use the G81/G82 command. When this command is executed, the drill is quickly positioned to the coordinate position specified by X_Y_, and then it is quickly positioned to point R. Then, the drill bit is drilled down to hole bottom position Z_ at the set feed rate F_, and the tool is quickly retracted to the starting point. (G98 mode) or R point (G99 mode) completes the cycle as shown in the figure below.


In the following illustration, the solid line indicates the feed rate F_, and the dashed line indicates the speed of rapid positioning (G00).

G81: Drilling Cycle

The G82 command dwell time P_ seconds at the bottom of the hole, all other machining operations are the same as G81; G82 dwell the tool for a few seconds after cutting to the bottom of the hole, which can improve the bottom accuracy of blind hole, column hole and cone hole.

G82: Drilling Cycle with Dwell