M95: Sectional Program Cycle
M95 P_P_L
In the editor program execution mode, the M95 instruction can repeatedly execute a certain section program in the same program, from N_start (that is, the first P_ value) to N_end (that is, the second P_ value) L_ times. This section program needs to be before the M95 instruction. If the second P_ value is not given, it will regard the previous behavior of the M95 instruction as N_end.
program SAMPLE95.CNC explain
N10 M_ ;
N20 G_Y_ ;Begin number 1(N20)
N30 X_ ;Begin number 2(N30)
N40 G_X_ ;
N50 Y_ ;
N60 Z_ ;complete number 2(N60)
N70 X_ ;
N80 M95 P30 P60 L5 ;Call execution from N30 to N60,five times
N90 G_X_Y_ ;complete number 1(N90)
M95 P20 ;Call execution from N20 to N90,once
M95 P30 P60 L2 ;Call execution from N30 to N60,twice
M02 ;program complete