4.11.5 M95/M97/M98/M99: Sectional Program Cycle/Subprogram Call


M95 P_P_L        

Sectional program cycle

M97 P_L_        

Internal subprogram call


External subprogram call


Return from subprogram (End of subprogram)

Subprogram Nesting

Note 1:

If M99 is programmed at the end of the program instead of M02/M03, the program will repeat executing over and over again.

Note 2:

INCON-M84/M86/M86R allows for up to eight levels of subprogram nesting. Nesting means that one subprogram may call another subprogram, which may still another subprogram, up to eight levels deep.

Note 3:

M95 and M97 cannot be used in DNC execution mode.