5.2.1 Programming and coordinate format

INCON-M86R supports the writing of three kinds of five-axis programs. The X, Y, and Z codes of the three writing methods all define the X, Y, and Z space positions of the tool tip of the program block, and the rest are (B_, C_) , (A_,C_),(I_,J_,K_) to define the direction of the tool.

  • G01 X0 Y0 Z0 B30 C45 (tool orientation defined by B_ and C_)

Define the direction of rotation of the tool by B_ and C_

  • G01 X0 Y0 Z0 A30 C135 (tool orientation defined by A_ and C_)

The direction of rotation of the tool is defined by A_ and C_

  • G01 X0 Y0 Z0 I0.354 J0.354 K0.866 (The tool rotation direction is defined by I_,J_,K_)

The direction of rotation of the tool is defined by I_,J_,K_

All three of the above programming methods specify the same five-axis program corrdinate point.