3.13.1 System File

Newly created \MSYS \MCNC file fold, is used to save system files, and PLC sub program file (with "PLC-" to begin the file name) and files name 9000~9999 file. This file fold is hidden, so, user cannot see all the system file.

To manage these hidden file, within machine parameter "System Management" adds a new selection of "System File", it includes "Open", "Save", "Save As", "Delete File" functions. If the people within the factory need to protect the system file, need to use these items, they cannot use the selection within "F2→File". For system security purpose, you need at least level 2 clearance to enter.

If you want to save the file directly into the CNC controller, please use the FTP function to save the file into the CNC controller's system file uploading it to \MSYS \MCNC file's. About FTP transmission capability, please refer to FTP File Transfer .

"System File" Sub Menu

FTP File Transmission