3.2.14 Homing Procedure

Please be aware: If the advance axis parameter → encoder mode setting is set at incremental mode, the axis should have corresponding limit switch, to be allow to use Homing process, otherwise, it would cause the danger of collide.

Homing Procedure allows a machine to have accurate and repeat reference point. User should execute homing procedure before working on a project. This homing procedure can through the auto homing button on second machine panel to execute it. The homing procedure for each axis is as following:


Axis move towards Homing, under first homing speed, till reaching the special limit input, where it will stop.


Axis will in accordance to second homing speed, move negatively, till off special limit input.


Axis continue in accordance to the index offset parameter with the same speed and direction till it return set position.


Axis continue to in accordance to the same direction, moving towards homing in accordance to homing speed, till the special input point through reading the encoder arrived at the index (Z phase) position.


After wards, machine position will be reset to the parameter of the pre-set position of such axis. Since then, homing procedure is complete.


If machine homing selection is chosen, the CNC controller will quickly return to homing position.

Homing Procedure

If axis soft limit has been selected for the axis, axis soft limit will only operate, after axis has been returned home.

  • Homing speed (unit: mm/min): Set the axis homing procedure as first homing speed.
  • Second homing speed (unit: mm/min): Set the axis homing procedure as secondary axis homing speed.
  • Index speed (unit: mm/min): Setting the axis homing as index searching for speed.
  • Index offset (unit: μm): Offset of homing procedure in the secondary speed.

When the setting value of "Index offset" is greater than 60000 μm (gear ratio of rotary Axis is less than 6), the setting method is:

Equivalent setting value = (original index offset value / 100) + 60000

For example: If the original index offset value is 120000

The equivalent setting value is (120000 / 100) + 60000 = 61200

Searching for index is to decrease the time, searching for home, keep around 500 μm to search for home. Before homing, we must make sure the switch homing is working properly, otherwise the machine will run to the end of the axis, causing damage. The first time of homing might take longer, after completed homing, conduct homing again. When the movement speed goes from secondary movement speed to homing searching movement speed, must record the position, then, calculate the pre-set home and its index.

For example: Recorded information is 1800, search for inaccuracy = 1800 - 500 = 1300.

If index distance is smaller then 500 μm, you need to let the screw for one more round, to minus the 500 μm value.

For example: The screw is 5 mm, but record is only 50  μm, when searching for index it would be 5000 + 50 - 500 = 4550.