3.3.1 G00 Mode

Use the up and down button to move to an item and use the space button to select the item.

  • XY Z↓, and Z↑ XY: Before doing Z axis negative move (going down), X and Y axis must position first; Z axis move towards positive direction (move up) first, then, x and Y axis position.
  • XY Always First: X, Y axis move first.
  • XYZ Simultaneously: X, Y, Z three axis move together.
  • Line Positioning: Three axes through linear method move, in the same time to arrive position.
  • XY Z↓, and Z↑ XY Line: Z axis move in negative direction (move down) before moving, X and Y axis need to do linear positioning; Z axis move in positive direction (upwards) first, then X, Y axis can do linear positioning.