3.3.6 Max Angular Speed (Unit: (360° × 1000/65536) /4ms × 60 = 82.39°/min)

The setting of Max Angular Speed (N) can prevent the cutting arc shape from distorting. Therefore limited:

Max Angular Speed = N ×(360° × 1000/65536)/4 ms × 60

(Default N = 100)

Under the limitation of Max Angular Speed, the relationship between cutting speed and radius can be shown by the following equation:

V mm/min =(2πR mm/360°× N × 82.39°/min

= 1.438 × R × N mm/min

For example: When N= 100 and V = 3000 mm/min, R = V/ (1.438 × N) = 3000/ (1.438 × 100) = 20.8 (mm), thus when the angular speed is smaller than 20.8 mm there will be angular speed limitation.

Assume R = 10 mm, then when the cutting speed is V = 1.438 × N × R = 1.438 × 100 × 10 = 1438 (mm/min) not as original V (= 3000 mm/min) cutting speed.

If the set value of Max Angular Speed is an even number, the minimum Angular Speed of G02, G03 commands will be accelerated. If it is an odd number, it is the same as the original method.