4th-axis Rotation Angle Off
; This example names the fourth axis as the C axis
; Please note that when the program is executed, the fourth axis is home first
G54 X0 Y0 ;
C0 indicates that the fourth axis starting offset angle is 0
G71.01 C0 E10 R-360 ; E10 indicates the rotation rate 10 mm/min
R-360 indicates that the C-axis tool rotates clockwise
G01 Y-20 F200 ;
G01 X-20 ; C axis first rotates 0° to -90° to start this cutting path to keep the tool at the same fixed tilt angle.
G01 Y0 ; The C axis first rotates from -90° to -180° to start the cutting path to keep the tool at the same fixed tilt angle.
G01 X0 ; The C axis is first rotated from -180° to -270° to begin the cutting path to keep the tool at the same fixed tilt angle.
G71.00 ; Close the fourth axis fixed tilt angle follow.
Example of G71.00