5.3.3 G158 Format

Format: G158 L_ P_ Q_ R_ X_ Y_ Z_ A_ B_ C_ U_ V_ W_

Except for L_, all other values, if not written, indicate that the value is 0; L_ If not specified, the original coordinate system group is used.

  • L_ : Specifies the coordinate system group (0~99).



;Start tilt plane machining control and enter G158 mode

;Keep using the original coordinate system

G158 L5

;Start inclined tilt plane machining control and enter G158 mode

;use the fifth group of coordinates

G158 L

;Start tilt plane processing control, enter G158 mode

;use Group 0 coordinate system

  • Q_ R_ : Specifies the extraction of the tool.

The Q_ value can specify the extraction method:



Do not extract.



Pull back in the direction of the original tool to the limit of the single axis.

(This item is valid only when the software limit of X, Y, and Z axes is set)



Pull back in the direction of the original tool to the limit of all axes.

(This item is valid only when the software limit of X, Y, and Z axes is set)



Pull back in the direction of the original tool to the distance specified by R_. R_ is usually positive.

(This item is valid only when the software limit of X, Y, and Z axes is set.)



Pull positive in the Z direction to the limit.



Pull in the positive Z direction to the distance specified by R_.


G158 L5

Use the fifth group coordinate system, no extraction action

G158 L5 Q1

Use the fifth group coordinate system, the tool retreat to the limit

G158 L5 Q5 R20.

Select the fifth group coordinate system, Z axis upward 20 mm


When the tool extraction method is designated as Q1, Q2 or Q3, if the original tool direction pulled back is in the negative direction, the tool will not do the back-out action for safety reasons.