G88: Boring Cycle with Dwell and Manual Retraction


G88 X_Y_Z_R_P_K_F_

When G88 command is executed, P_ seconds will be paused after machining to Z_ value depth and the spindle will stop rotating. At this time, the operator can safely retreat the tool to the reference height R_ point or more after manually offsetting, and then use the mechanical panel to leave the manual control mode. , If the reference position R_ value or more is not reached, there will be a warning dialog box, and manual control cannot be closed. In G98 mode, the tool will continue to be raised to the original starting height; if it is in G99 mode, the tool will no longer move. The X, Y coordinates do not return to the X_, Y_ positions specified by G88.


After the program determines that the tool is already at the reference position R_ point or more, it will automatically resume the forward rotation of the spindle. Please remove the head and hand from the spindle to ensure safety!

G88: Boring Cycle with Dwell and Manual Retraction