Related Machine Data

The parameters listed in this dialog box are the machine-related parameter values that the user can refer to. The dialog box shows the machine parameter values for the user to view, can not be changed.

  • Maximum Speed: The fastest moving speed per axis (mm/min).
  • G00 Speed: G00 speed (mm/min) when the override rate is set to 100%.
  • G00 0 Override Speed: The speed of G00 when the override rate is set to 0%. (Applicable only for 4-segment override)
  • Jog Speed: Jog speed under the condition that the override rate is 100% (Unit: mm/min).
  • Positive Limit/Negative Limit: Positive and negative limits of each axis's travel (in the system's minimum unit of movement, example: μm).
  • Maximum Feed Speed: The maximum acceptable cutting speed for this machine. If the value of F_ given is greater than this value, the value is used as the cutting speed (mm/min).
  • Dry Run Speed: The feed speed (mm/min) used by this machine during "Run→Dry Run".
  • Maximum Spindle Speed: The maximum spindle speed (rpm).

At the bottom of this dialog box, there are two lines of time for the use of the machine for reference. The first line shows the use case so far for this boot time, and the second shows the cumulative usage from the factory date to date.

  • Power up Time: Accumulative power-on time of the machine.
  • Accumulated Run Time: Accumulative machining time since the machine power was turned on.
  • Duty: (Power up T/Accumulated Run Time) x 100%.
  • System life Time: Accumulative power-on time of the controller.
  • Accumulated Life Run Time: Accumulative machining time since the controller was turned on.
  • Duty: (System life/ Accumulated Life Run Time) x 100%.

"Related Machine Data" Dialog Box