Rigid Tapping


M29 S_


G84 X_Z_R_F_

The M code of the rigid tapping command can be set by the machine parameter, which is tentatively M29. Please contact the original picking machine factory for the actual M code. For rigid tapping, the spindle must be equipped with an encoder and the spindle drive can output a combination of low speed and high torque to perform the operation. Please make sure that the above mentioned equipment can use rigid tapping.

If only a general AC inverter motor is used instead of the spindle drive, the tapping depth will be different depending on the speed characteristics of the inverter motor and the tapping parameter setting, and the tapping may be too deep or slightly shallow. Please contact the original in advance. Machinery plant confirmation.

To use rigid tapping, you must first set the M29 S_ command in preparation for rigid tapping and specify the tapping speed. This speed can not be too fast, and the mechanical manufacturer limits its maximum speed in the mechanical parameters. If the given S_ is greater than the set value in the mechanical parameters, it will be replaced by the set value in the mechanical parameters.


The M code and S code of the rigid tapping mode remain active in the cycle command until the command cancels.

If there is a high and low speed shift on the spindle, before performing rigid tapping, be sure to shift the gear set to the specified rigid tapping gear before using it with the rigid tap speed adjustment to obtain the correct pitch. Gearless gear sets are gear-free. The calculation of the rigid tapping distance differs depending on the G94 and G95 modes:


In G94 mode, F_ represents the feed distance per minute, S_ represents the rotation speed per minute, so F/S represents the distance per feed, which is equal to the desired pitch.

If F=100 mm/min, S=200 rpm, the resulting pitch is equal to 100/200=0.5 mm. The processing program can be edited as follows:

G90 G0 X0 Y0 Z0       ; Move to the center of the workpiece and Z axis

G49 G54 G94           ; Choose G94 Mode

M29 S200              ; Initiate rigid tapping function S=200 rpm

M03                   ; Spindle rotation

G84 X0 Y0 Z-10. F100  ; Starting tapping depth 10 mm; pitch=100/200=0.5 mm

G80                   ; End the tapping cycle



In G95 mode, F_ represents the feed distance per revolution, which is the desired pitch.

If F=3 mm/rev, the resulting pitch is F=3 mm irrespective of the spindle speed. This F_ value can have decimals, so it is also suitable for rigid taps less than 1 mm pitch. This machining program can be edited as follows:

G90 G0 X0 Y0 Z0       ; Move to the center of the workpiece and Z axis preparation

G49 G54 G95           ; Select G95 mode

M29 S200              ; Initiate rigid tapping function S=200 rpm

M03                   ; Spindle positive spin

G84 X0 Y0 Z-10. F0.5  ; Starting rigid tapping depth 10 mm; pitch = 0.5 mm

G80                   ; End rigid tapping cycle



In the program, G84 X0 Y0 Z-10. F0.5; F0.5 directly indicates the pitch of 0.5 mm, which makes the program easier to read.