4.7.6 Special application of can cycle instructions (K0)

In the can cycle command line, if K0 is input, this line will not be executed and only used to load the various parameters of the can cycle, so that the following position command can be used to execute the can cycle.

Example as below:

G00 Z30.

G81 Z-20.R1.F500 K0 ; This line will not execute a can cycle. It is only used to load depth, reference position, feedrate

X10.                ; In X10. position, execute "Depth -20. Reference position 1. Machining cycle at feedrate 500"

X20.                ; In X20. position, execute "Depth -20. Reference position 1. Machining cycle at feedrate 500"

X30.                ; In X30. position, execute "Depth -20. Reference position 1. Machining cycle at feedrate 500"