Accel Backlash Tune/Reverse Accel Backlash Val/Reverse Accel Backlash Cnt/Reverse Accel Backlash Tune

When executing circle cutting command, each axis changes the quadrant, it will start at zero speed, it will due to damping effect, convex and concave will happen. This problem can be decrease by adjusting machine structure or increase servo reaction (servo gain), if that still cannot resolve the problem and the problem is concave. This can decrease the damping effect caused by acceleration backlash compensation.

Within "Machine Parameter→Axis" menu. Each axis has Accel Backlash Val and Accel Backlash Cnt for quadrant compensation. INCON-M84/M86/M86R in "Machine Parameter→Advanced→Axis" dialog box includes Accelerate Backlash Tune, Reverse Accel Backlash Val, Reverse Accel Backlash Cnt and Reverse Accel Backlash Tune for more precise tuning.

Acceleration backlash compensation positive traverse and negative traverse setting, is as following:

  • At forward traverse: The mechanic must first adjust two parameter values of the Accel Backlash Val and Accel Backlash Cnt. To let position of the quadrant gets convex. Then adjust two parameter values of Accel Backlash Tune until pull back from quadrant convex to decrease damping effect.
  • At negative traverse: The mechanic must first adjust the two parameter values of the Reverse Accel Backlash Val and Reverse Accel Backlash Cnt. To let position of quadrant gets convex. Then adjust two parameter values of Reverse Accel Backlash Tune until pull back from quadrant convex to decrease damping effect.

In the fine tune process, When the Accel Backlash Tune or Reverse Accel Backlash Tune the greater the values, mean greater compensations, the smaller values mean smaller compensation. Base on this principle, the machine can be moderately adjusted to compensation properly, to let the distortion of quadrant became small.