3.12.3 Reverse Pitch Error Table

INCON-M84/M86/M86R not only provide pitch error table, but also provide negative pitch error compensation function, thus when the axis is moving in positive or negative direction, the pitch error compensation, is set by two different pitch error table.

When the compensation value of all negative pitch error compensations were 0, method for pitch error compensation is same as the compensation method of single compensation table. So, positive and negative both use the compensation value of "Machine Parameter→Pitch Error Table". When any value of the negative pitch error table is not 0, positive  traverse uses original pitch error table, negative traverse uses negative pitch error table for pitch error compensation. Thus, within "Machine Parameter→Advanced→Reverse Pitch Error Table" can set the reverse pitch error table of each axis.

After pressing "Machine Parameter→Advanced→Reverse Pitch Error Table" X axis, Y axis, Z axis, A axis (, B axis, C axis) selection menu, would just out. Use the up and down button to change between X axis, Y axis, Z axis, A axis (, B axis, C axis), please press ENTER to make your selection.

"Advanced → Reverse Pitch Error Table" Axial Menu (M84 Has 4 Axes; M86/M86R Has 6 Axes)

"X Axis Reverse Pitch Error Table" Dialog Box

Note 1:

The length and zero of the negative pitch error compensation table are set using the setting of positive pitch error compensation table.

Note 2:

Detail for the setting for positive/negative pitch error compensation please refer to Backlash Measurement of Laser Instrument and Pitch Error Compensation and Pitch Error and Negative Pitch Error Compensation.