3.2.4 Loop Gain (Unit: 1/sec)

Stand for the axis position loop gain. When the gain is high, the axis responds faster, the following error is small and when the gain is low, axis response slower, following error is big. High position loop gain can increase the reaction of the axis, decrease position error, but when transmitting system isn't good enough, it can easily cause the axis to shake.

Loop gain can be split into "Loop Gain" and "G00 Loop Gain", the largest value is 255. Users can base on their special needs, set different value, to achieve work duty. "Loop Gain" use cutting command such as (G01, G02/G03), the other commands (G00, G53) and hand movement (JOG) use "G00 Loop Gain".

For example: Can set "Loop Gain" increase larger to improve system response and decrease cutting error. This can better high speed high accuracy performance, put "G00 Loop Gain" set small can decrease speed, but ensure system stability, quick movement while using hand and the machine won't shake.