3.2.5 Servo Adj (Unit: rpm/volt)

INCON-M84/M86/M86R uses EtherCAT communication sent corresponding -10 V~+10 V analogy conversion to digital voltage velocity command to servo motor driver. When digital voltage +10 V or -10 V is send servo motor driver, it would cause the servo motor to achieve the max speed (rpm). But the biggest speed will due to motor been of wrong motor and differentiate, so CNC controller need to know the motor Servo Adj to make axis control.

For example: Servo motor max speed is 10 V - 2000 rpm, the CNC controller send +10 V, - 10 V digital voltage to let servo motor arrive to positive spin and negative spin largest spinning speed. The parameter is 2000 rpm/10 V = 200 rpm/v.