Show op axis only

If choosing this option and the parameter of A, B or C axis, is within the chosen "Check Item". When this option is not selected (not operate this axis), the axis status will not appear in the window, if this option is not selected, the status within the window will be the same as before showing X/Y/Z/A (/B/C) axis. After choosing this option, every time A (B/C) axis is used, the system will ask for reopen the machine to change the change in status, to prevent reopen many times, it is suggested to first set all the parameter, then set the "Show op axis only".

It is suggested to take the following steps:

1. Pre-set status: status window displays each axis parameter.

2. The "B Axis" of "Axis", select "Operate".

3. Within "Motion and Speed" choose "Show op axis only".

4. After reopening, the window only show X, Y, Z and B axis parameter.