
Format: G73/G76/G83/G87 X_Y_Z_R_Q_K_F_

Format: G74/G81/G84/G85/G86/G88/G89 X_Y_Z_R_K_F_

Format: G82 X_Y_Z_R_P_K_F_

From the "Command Insertion Aid" menu, select "Cancycle", there will be a dialog box (as shown in the figure below).

"G73/G74/G76/G81-G89 Cancycle (Metric Mode)" Dialog Box

Key in value in each data field and press ENTER, there will be a corresponding block added in program window (as shown in the figure). The items in this dialog box are the same as those defined in the cancycle instructions such as drilling, boring or tapping, the user can input the required data according to different cycle instructions.

G73/G74/G76/G81-G89 Cancycle Block (Take INCON-M86 for example)

  • G90/G91 (absolute positions/incremental values) and G98/G99 (start position return/reference position return) also has functionality in this dialog box.
  • Drill Pos/Depth X/Y/Z: can be shown in absolute positions or incremental values, which depend on G90 or G91 mode.
  • Refrence Pos (R value): reference position for machining.
  • Step In Depth (Q value): the depth being machined per layer. U_/V_/W_ will automatically determine whether it is U_, V_ or W_ depending on the selected plane mode (G17/G18/G19).
  • Dwell Time (P value): spindle dwell time after reaching the bottom of drilled hole.
  • Count (K value): the value of repetitive drilling times. If the K value is filled in with an absolute coordinate value, the system will only perform 1 drilling regardless of the value of K filled in. If the K value is filled in relative increments, the system repeats K drilling cycles. (as shown in the figure below)
  • Feed Rate (F value): the velocity at which the cutter is fed, the system will adopt the value set last time if users do not make any changes.
  • Values of Drill Pos/Depth X and Drill Pos/Depth Y adopting incremental values (G91 mode) will have the same function as "Line Drill Pattern" in "Drill Pattern".

Repetitive Drilling (Incremental Value)