Rectangular Pocket Machining

Format: G70.00(G02/G03)P_X_Y_Z_U_V_W_C_J_K_Q_(R_/L_)D_I_E_F_

"G70.00 Rectangular Pocket (Metric Mode)" Dialog Box

  • Orientation (G): The cutting orientation can be clockwise (CW, G02) or counterclockwise (CCW , G03).
  • Step In Axis (P): can be Not Defined, + 1st Axis, + 2nd Axis, - 1st Axis, and - 2nd Axis, which will be shown as P0~P4 command in the program. The orientation of 1st axis and 2nd axis are depends on the working plane (G17/G18/G19).
  • Center X/Y/Z: center of pocket machining. It can be absolute positions or incremental values.
  • Length/Depth of X/Y/Z axis: In G17 mode (X-Y plane), Length/Depth X and Y (U and V value) define length and width of the rectangular pocket. Length/Depth Z (W value) defines depth of the pocket and the value is negative.
  • Clearance (C value): the safe starting height for machining.
  • Fine Feed Width (J value) and Fine Feed Depth (K value): the width and depth of fine cut.
  • Step In Depth (Q value): the depth being machined per layer.
  • If users enter values in both text boxes of Corner Rounding (R value) and Chamfering (L value), the later one will be ignored.
  • Tilt Angle (D value): the angle which rectangular tool path tilted with.
  • Spindle Feed Rate (I value): feed rate of spindle. Please refer to INCON-M84/M86/M86R Integration Manual for more information.
  • Fine Feed Rate (E value): feed rate of fine cutting. If the value of Fine Feed Rate (E value) was left blank, system will replace the value with half of Feed Rate (F value) value.
  • Feed Rate (F value): the velocity at which the cutter is fed, the system will adopt the value set last time if users do not make any changes.

Examples of pocket machining in three formats are given below:

  • Rectangular pocket machining with rounded corner:

Rectangular Pocket Machining with Rounded Corner

  • Rectangular pocket machining with chamfered corner:

Rectangular Pocket Machining with Chamfered Corner

  • Rectangular pocket machining with tilt angle:

Rectangular Pocket Machining with Tilt Angle