Grid Drill Pattern

Format: G70.08 C_G_X_Y_Z_R_I_J_A_B_U_V_W_D_Q_P_F_

"Grid Drill Pattern" command makes the drilling holes be gridded.

"G70.08 Grid Drill Pattern (Metric Mode)" Dialog Box

Grid Drill Pattern

  • Axis Orientation (C value): options of the axial machining order, the command in program will be C0/C1. The axial machining order of C0 command is from X-axis to Y-axis. The axial machining order of C1 command is from Y-axis to X-axis.
  • Cancycle Code (G value): Users type in the G code based on the selected Cancycle Code (G73~G89).
  • Start Pos/Depth (X/Y/Z): start position and depth. G90/G91 (absolute positions/incremental values).
  • Refrence Pos (R value): reference position for machining.
  • 1st Axis Delta (I value): distance between two holes on 1st axis.
  • 2nd Axis Delta (J value): distance between two holes on 2nd axis.
  • 1st Axis Count: In the drill count in the 1st axis direction, this value cannot be a negative number.
  • 2nd Axis Count: In the drill count in the 2nd axis direction, this value cannot be a negative number.
  • Text boxes labeled with "#" can make up three different formats of "Grid Drill Pattern" command:
  1. Key in values in data field of 1st Axis Delta, 2nd Axis Delta, 1st Axis Count, and 2nd Axis Count.
  2. Key in values in data field of End Position X/Y/Z, 1st Axis Count, and 2nd Axis Count.
  3. Key in values in data field of End Position X/Y/Z, 1st Axis Delta, 2nd Axis Delta.
  • If each axis end position (U, V or W) , each axis delta (I, J), each axis orientation hole count (A, B) is input, the end position (U, V  or W) of each axis will be ignored.
  • Tilt Angle (D value): the tilt angle of holes arrangement from Start Pos (X/Y/Z), which is optional. This option has "*", which means it can be worked or not, so you don't key in data, if no title angle.
  • Step In Depth (Q value): the depth being machined per layer. U_/V_/W_ will automatically determine whether it is U_, V_ or W_ depending on the selected plane mode (G17/G18/G19).
  • Dwell Time (P value): spindle dwell time after reaching the bottom of drilled hole.
  • Feed Rate (F value): the velocity at which the cutter is fed, the system will adopt the value set last time if users do not make any changes.
  • When "Grid Drill Pattern" command is finished, the tool will retract perpendicular to start height of the last hole.

Tilt Angle of "Grid Drill Pattern"