Arc Drill Pattern

Format: G70.09 G_X_Y_Z_R_C_A_I_L_B_Q_P_F_

"Arc Drill Pattern" command makes the drilling holes arced or circular.

"G70.07 Arc Drill Pattern (Metric Mode)" Dialog Box

Arc Drill Pattern

  • Cancycle Code (G value): Users type in the optional data field based on the selected Cancycle Code (G73~G89).
  • Center Pos/Depth (X/Y/Z): center position and depth. It can be absolute positions or incremental values, which depend on G90 or G91 mode  (absolute positions/incremental values).
  • Refrence Pos (R value): reference position for machining.
  • Absolute or incremental coordinates can be used for the center of the circle.
  • Text boxes labeled with "#" can make up three different formats of "Arc Drill Pattern" command:
  1. Key in values in data field of Delta Angle and Count.
  2. Key in values in data field of End Angle and Count.
  3. Key in values in data field of End Angle and Delta Angle.
  • Pattern Radius (C value): the radius of "Arc Drill Pattern", it must be positive.
  • Start Angle (A value): the start angle of "Arc Drill Pattern".
  • Delta Angle (I value): the angle between two drilled holes.
  • Count (L value): number of holes.
  • End Angle (B value) must be greater than Start Angle (A value). For example, the End Angle must be 390° (360°+30°) instead of 30°.
  • If users enter all values in data field of Delta Angle, Count, and End Angle, the value of End Angle will be ignored.
  • Step In Depth (Q value): the depth being machined per layer.
  • Dwell Time (P value): spindle dwell time after reaching the bottom of drilled hole.
  • Feed Rate (F value): the velocity at which the cutter is fed, the system will adopt the value set last time if users do not make any changes.
  • When "Arc Drill Pattern" command is finished, the tool will retract perpendicular to start height of the last hole.

Start Angle and End Angle