Line Object Pattern

Format: G70.21 I_J_L_

@ G70.11(G41/G42)P_X_Y_Z_(U_V_W_)C_J_K_Q_R_I_E_F_

(Contour Pocket Side Surfacing Machining is taken for example here)

"G70.21 Line Object Pattern (Metric Mode)" Dialog Box

Line Object Pattern

  • 1st Axis Delta (I value): distance between two objects on 1st Axis.
  • 2nd Axis Delta (J value): distance between two objects on 2nd Axis.
  • The orientation of 1st axis and 2nd axis are depends on the working plane (G17/G18/G19).
  • Count (L value): number of holes, it should be positive.
  • The start position (X,Y) of the first object is defined in the selected machining command following @.
  • When "Line Object Pattern" command is finished, the tool will retract perpendicular to start height of the last object.