Dowel Machining

Dowel machining includes "Rectangular Dowel" and "Circular Dowel". The sequence of dowel machining is below:


The tool move rapidly to start position (Xs, Ys) and start height, which is Center Z (Z value) + Clearance (C value).


The tool descends to Step In Depth (Q value) with Spindle Feed Rate (I value).


The tool processes dowel machining with chosen Orientation and Feed Rate (F value).


The tool move back to center position and start height after finishing one layer.


The tool descends again to Step In Depth (Q value) with Spindle Feed Rate (I value) and processes dowel machining of the next layer.


The tool repeats the above steps until it reaches Length/Depth Z (W value).


Lastly, the tool processes cutting with Fine Feed Rate (E value).


When dowel machining command is finished, the tool ascends to start height and stay at center position Center X/Y (X,Y) of the dowel.


Dowel machining starts from center of the object and gradually widens the dowel layer by layer. There are four percentage options of the widening width (150%, 125%, 100%, 75%). Users can select from "F2→Parameter→Cancycle Parameters→StepInWidth".