Linear Interpolation (G01)

Format: G01 X_Y_Z_A_ (R_/L_)F_ (M84)

Format: G01 X_Y_Z_A_B_C_ (R_/L_)F_ (M86/M86R)


M86 only 4-axis of 6-axis can be perform on G01.

From the "Command Insertion Aid" menu, select "Linear Interpolation", there will be a dialog box (as shown in the figure).

"G01 Line (Metric Mode)" Dialog Box (M84)

"G01 Line (Metric Mode)" Dialog Box (M86/M86R)

Key in values in each of the data field and press ENTER, there will be a corresponding block added in program window (as shown in the figure).

G01 Linear Interpolation Command Block (Take INCON-M86 for example)

  • X/Y/Z/A/B/C End Position: can be shown in absolute positions or incremental values, which depend on G90 or G91 mode.
  • Corner Rounding (R value) and Chamfering (L value) commands are available only when the command block is inserted between two linear interpolation command blocks.

Corner rounding and chamfering

  • Feed Rate (F value): the velocity at which the cutter is fed, the system will adopt the value set last time if users do not make any changes.