Arc Object Pattern

Format: G70.23 (X_Y_/R_A_)I_L_

@ G70.11(G41/G42)P_X_Y_Z_(U_V_W_)C_J_K_Q_R_I_E_F_

(Contour Pocket Side Surfacing Machining is taken for example here)

"G70.23 Arc Object Pattern (Metric Mode)" Dialog Box

Arc Object Pattern

  • Center X/Y/Z: the center position of "Arc Object Pattern", which is defined by the plane of 1st axis and 2nd axis (The orientation of 1st axis and 2nd axis are depends on the working plane G17/G18/G19).
  • Pattern Radius (R value): the radius of "Arc Object Pattern", it must be positive.
  • Pattern Center An (A value): the start angle of "Arc Object Pattern",this is the angle from the first axis to the starting point of the starting object to the center of the "Arc Object Pattern".
  • Delta Angle (I value): angle between two objects.
  • Count (L value): number of holes, it should be positive.
  • The start position (X,Y) of the first object is defined in the selected machining command following @.
  • When "Arc Object Pattern" command is finished, the tool will retract perpendicular to start height of the last object.